Data & Analytics

Data & Analytics 2024-07-03T14:12:02+00:00


The following is a one year snapshot of the Land Bank’s economic impact for the 2023 Fiscal Year.  The report was commissioned by the Land Bank in September 2023 and presented to the CCLBA Board of Directors on December 15th, 2023.  Griswold Consulting Group completed the report, which measures direct and indirect economic benefits that were generated in Cook County from December 1st, 2022 to November 30th, 2023.




On June 13, 2022, the Cook County Land Bank Authority retained Riley Safer Holmes & Cancila (RSHC) to conduct an internal operational assessment for the purpose of providing legal advice about the Land Bank’s core operational functions.  The Land Bank instructed RSHC to evalute: (1) how the Land Bank acquires properties; (2) how the Land Bank disposes of the properties; (3) how the Land Bank manages its assets; (4) the governance of the Land Bank; and (5) the Land Bank’s compliance culture.




The Cook County Board of Commissioners passed Ordinance 19-2903 in May 2019, which requires the Cook County Land Bank to report on a series of information to the Board of Commissioners on a quarterly basis.  The following involve all quarterly reports that have been submitted to the Board of Commissioners.




FY 2020 DATA & ACTIVITY REPORT | 12.11.2020

For the end of the 2020 fiscal year, the Cook County Land Bank has issued a Data & Activity Report for all CCLBA activity from 2014 – 2020.  This report includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • CCLBA Core Business Activity
  • Community Impact
  • Maps & Diagrams of CCLBA Activity
  • History of Website Activity
  • Property Application History
  • Breakdown of Community Wealth by Locality
  • Tax Certificate Program – Activity & History

Cook County Land Bank Authority – FY 2020 Data & Activity Report





FY 2019 DATA & ACTIVITY REPORT | 11.30.2019

For the end of the 2019 fiscal year, the Cook County Land Bank has issued a Data & Activity Report for all CCLBA activity from 2014 – 2019.  This report includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • CCLBA Core Business Activity
  • Community Impact
  • Maps & Diagrams of CCLBA Activity
  • History of Website Activity
  • Property Application History
  • Breakdown of Community Wealth by Locality
  • Tax Certificate Program – Activity & History

Cook County Land Bank Authority – FY 2019 Data & Activity Report




The following diagram is a breakdown of all pending acquisitions by the Cook County Land Bank Authority within the City of Chicago for the next fiscal year. As illustrated on the right, many of these acquisitions are in Cook County’s disadvantaged and hardest hit communities during the 2009 recession.  This map was composed on August 26, 2019.






FY 2018 DATA & ACTIVITY REPORT | 11.30.2018

For the end of the 2018 fiscal year, the Cook County Land Bank has issued a Data & Activity Report for 2018 as well as years 2014 – 2017.  This report includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • CCLBA Core Business Activity
  • Community Impact
  • Maps & Diagrams of CCLBA Activity
  • History of Website Activity
  • Property Application History
  • Breakdown of Community Wealth by Locality
  • Tax Certificate Program – Activity & History

Cook County Land Bank Authority – FY 2018 Data & Activity Report



_Overall.ShebangREVISEDThe Cook County Land Bank Authority (CCLBA) is focused on banking land inventory in emerging neighborhoods within the City of Chicago & suburbs where an intervention by the CCLBA would maximize revitalization efforts.  The Land Bank is looking to work with all communities within Cook County, however given the finite amount of resources available it is prudent for the Land Bank to identify communities where a proactive approach would have the greatest potential to catalyze significant improvement.*

Consequently the CCLBA, with help from the DePaul Institute for Housing Studies, put together a study identifying thirteen (13) focus communities both in the suburbs & City of Chicago where substantial investment would provide the greatest positive impact.  Further information on each community can be found below, and a copy of the presentation to the Board of Directors can be found here.

Suburban Cook County – Focus Municipalities**

City of Chicago – Focus Neighborhoods

List of Communities – City of Chicago & Suburban Municipalities

Research Methodology – Summary

* The study does not serve to exclude any communities within Cook County, but to prioritize where the Land Bank can devote greater resources given the CCLBA’s limited budget. The CCLBA is working with many partners outside of these focus areas, and we encourage you to get in touch with us if you are interested in pursuing opportunities with the CCLBA.

** Municipalities that are in the realm of the South Suburban Land Bank Authority (SSLBDA) were not included in this study, however the CCLBA will be working in these communities under the direction of the SSLBDA.



Screenshot of CCLBA's interactive property viewer. Please click graphic to view all tax-delinquent parcels.

Screenshot of CCLBA’s interactive property viewer. Please click graphic to view all tax-delinquent parcels.

The following is an excel spreadsheet of all properties in Cook County that are tax-delinquent and currently eligible for the Cook County Scavenger Sale.  These are parcels of land where the taxes have not been purchased or paid for three (3) or more years at the annual tax sale, and are thereby considered forfeited.  There are approximately 23,000 parcels in Cook County that meet these requirements, and can be found in the following spreadsheet:

Tax-Delinquent/Scavenger Sale Properties – Full Spreadsheet

Pursuant to Section 21-90 of the Property Tax Code, the CCLBA (acting as an agent of Cook County) has the ability to acquire tax-forfeited properties, extinguish the back taxes, and sell these properties for redevelopment.

These properties are also available for viewing on an individual basis in the CCLBA’s Interactive Property Viewer.  In order to view, please click on the drop-down menu to the right titled, “Layers” and scroll down to, “Tax-Delinquent/Scavenger Sale Properties.”  From that point, click on any individual parcel in order to view the property address, last known taxpayer, parcel size, and total amount of taxes that are delinquent.





 The Great Recession flooded Chicago with foreclosures, deepening the blight in many of the city’s economically distressed neighborhoods. Nearly 10% of Cook County’s housing units are vacant, according to the least Census. To turn the tide in these communities, County Commissioner Bridget Gainer and President Toni Preckwinkle championed the creation of the Cook County Land Bank, which was passed by the Cook County Commission in January, 2013. The land bank will return vacant and foreclosed properties to productive use – either as renter or owner-occupied housing, or open space.

In partnership with the Institute for Housing Studies at DePaul University, we’re building a cutting-edge, open source analytics tool to help the land bank make informed policy decisions about which properties to acquire and redevelop. To do that, we’ll analyze Cook County’s real estate market and assemble data on property sales, foreclosures, building inspections, zoning, and much more.