Monthly Archives: February 2018

    County Agency Plans to Redevelop Site Near Obama Center

    By Danny Ecker, Crain's Business Chicago | February 1, 2018  (Click here for the original article) A Cook County agency designed to give new life to distressed houses is getting into the commercial property game, with its first such project just blocks from the site of the future Obama Presidential Center. After acquiring the deed last month to the dilapidated former Washington Park National Bank building in Woodlawn, the Cook County Land Bank tonight will hold the first of three community meetings about the property to gather feedback on what it should become. The 94-year-old structure on the southwest corner of [...]

    By | 2018-04-27T14:09:16+00:00 February 6th, 2018|News Articles, News articles on CCLBA|Comments Off on County Agency Plans to Redevelop Site Near Obama Center

      Cook County Land Bank Authority: A Gateway For Homeownership & Community Investment

      By Mary L. Datcher, Chicago Defender | February 1, 2018  (Click here for the original article) In 2010, Cook County Commissioner Bridget Gainer noticed something out of the ordinary—calls were coming in more frequently about constituents challenged with losing their homes. Aware of the housing market collapse and predator loan practices by banks, long-time home owners were seeking assistance from their public officials. “People were calling me, they’re getting letters from the bank. People were worried if they had to move out that day—a lot of uncertainty. To be honest, the banks didn’t really know what to do. Half way through [...]

      By | 2018-04-27T14:09:16+00:00 February 6th, 2018|News Articles, News articles on CCLBA|Comments Off on Cook County Land Bank Authority: A Gateway For Homeownership & Community Investment

        Washington Park National Bank Building Aims to Fast-Track Redevelopment

        By Sam Cholke, Curbed Chicago | January 31, 2018 (Click here for the original article) The Cook County Land Bank Authority is racing into large-scale mixed-use developments, and as its first project will take on a crumbling bank that’s loomed vacant over the Cottage Grove Green Line stop in Woodlawn for 20 years. The Washington Park National Bank, 6300 S. Cottage Grove Avenue, is the Land Bank’s chance to prove it can take on substantial developments, and Executive Director Rob Rose’s wants to go into the first project at a sprint. At a Tuesday night meeting to discuss options for the four-story building with [...]

        By | 2018-04-27T14:09:16+00:00 February 6th, 2018|News Articles, News articles on CCLBA|Comments Off on Washington Park National Bank Building Aims to Fast-Track Redevelopment